LDC - Little Darlings Couture
LDC stands for Little Darlings Couture
Here you will find, what does LDC stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Little Darlings Couture? Little Darlings Couture can be abbreviated as LDC What does LDC stand for? LDC stands for Little Darlings Couture. What does Little Darlings Couture mean?The consumer goods business firm is located in , .
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Alternative definitions of LDC
- Lesser Developed Country
- Less Developed Country
- Least Developed Country
- LATA Distribution Channel
- Least Developed Countries
- Less Developed Countries
- Local Distribution Company
- Less Developed Country
View 113 other definitions of LDC on the main acronym page
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- LBD Little Black Diamond
- LCLUK Live Chat Ltd UK
- LTOSL Liquid Telecommunications Operations Sa Ltd.
- LFR Lillian Fire Rescue
- LDL Liddle Doors Limited
- LM The Lisa Movement
- LAMR Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant
- LTH Legal and Tax Help
- LLG Lowe Law Group
- LACFS LA County Fire Station
- LMHC Liverpool Mental Health Consortium
- LPC Landlock Pest Control
- LMP Laminin Medical Products